Sunday, March 27, 2011

day 33: one half down, one to go...

Produce. That is what is in our kitchen. I never knew so many healthy things existed. We have... mangoes, oranges, a lemon from our lemon tree, kiwis, strawberries, bananas, apples, red bell peppers, green peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, and carrots. There are probably a few I forgot too... tonight we made a run to the grocery store, and our basket was FULL of health food... almost made me nauseous, but have no fear... there was a carton of tiramisu ice-cream gracing the top of our basket. :)

church this morning was another whirlwind of Portuguese. the pastor's wife asked me if i'd play piano again today, so i did. :) and i had to fill some time while they fixed up the powerpoint... but i enjoyed it. :)

music is a universal language and a universal way to praise our God. it's neat how when i don't understand anything about the service except the songs. praising the Lord is the same in every land. granted, other cultures have stepped across some "conservative" lines  that we Americans have formed. but our God is glorified in so many ways and in so many languages. :)

tomorrow begins another full week of school. :) two more, then SPRING BREAK!!!

p.s. my flan failed. i think the package called for sugar. but of course i can't read... ;)

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