Monday, February 28, 2011

day six: short, sweet, and to the point :)

today was my first week-beginning at school :) it went really well. nothin much to say about it. lol today was world math day or something. and i played against some high-schooler from Colfax-Mingo (in Iowa)! small world :) 

after school, Krisanna and i made a much-needed stop at our favorite little bakery between school and home. then we've enjoyed a wonderful, relaxing evening making dinner, working out, painting our nails, and watching the oscars. :) 

i never thought i'd say this, but i'm glad (for right now) that i don't have a cell phone. :)

that's all for today. :)

1 comment:

  1. haha yes!!! i loved not having my phone in South Africa! i felt so free! but...the minute i got back to the States i was glued to my phone again...kinda fails
