Thursday, April 14, 2011

day 49: thankful thursday. :)

i'm thankful for the chance to live in another country. It's stretched me in ways that I don't even know yet!

I'm thankful for time. As I was thinking this morning about the weather, I realized that even though I don't know how much something costs because I don't always know the exchange rate (or even do the math) or don't know how hot it really is because I can't read Celsius very well, I always know that time is the same. God knew when He created the world, that we would need to judge things by time. He is giving us that sense of order. He didn't just create things but He created the order behind things. That alone should leave us speechless!

i'm thankful for random notes/messages/texts from people. Seriously... even if they aren't the least bit “encouraging” in nature, maybe it's just a laugh when they're about to cry that they need. You NEVER know who needs a note. NEVER. I didn't know I needed one today til I got one.. and an unexpected one at that! Even if it's someone you don't normally hear from, just knowing that someone is thinking about you enough to let you know, or ask about velcro shoes... or talk about lasagna... or mention a nursing home... whatever it is, SOMEONE might just need a note from you today. So pause right now, write a note to someone you see or talk to often. Now, write one to someone you haven't talked to in a while... or even (heaven forbid) someone you left things off with on not-so-great terms. Pray for them, then let them know it! :)

i'm thankful for people who remember that i'm gone. It really does mean a lot that people are interested in what i'm doing. :) and may actually miss me too!

I'm thankful for my boyfriend. :) I vowed a LONG time ago that I wouldn't become one of those mushy “i put every emotion I have for someone ALL over the internet for other people to read while they vomit” people. This might be flirting with the line. {insert countdown here:: 29 days!!!} anyway... he is such an encourager. He puts up with me when things are less than stellar. He stays up at night to settle any issues we've had that day. He talks sense into me when I make none. He smiles politely when I feel like i'm trying to talk sense into him. He let's me be a burger and fries/steak and potatoes girl with rarely an occasional “you've had three burgers today...” comment. :) he helps me out with practical jokes. :) he lovingly points me to Scripture when i'm sinning. And he chose to love me. :) he helps me understand the love of my Savior in so many ways. :) and he is ok with never wearing a v-neck again. :)

also, today, I realized that my brain's neurons are getting farther apart or something...
  1. I compared a musician to water. Nothing special.
  2. I actually had the desire to exercise!
  3. I was explaining “moral” of a story... and the first thing that popped into my head was “bobby crossed the street to get a ball. He got hit by a bus. Moral of the story? Look both ways before you cross the street.”

and on that note, i'm thankful for the ability to fall asleep within a minute of my head hitting the pillow. :)

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