This year, Easter was different. I was a few thousdnd miles away from home, we didn't go out to eat, and there was no cantata. Easter brought a different setting this year, and I happened to love it.
Saturday evening, I attended Easter play dress rehearsal. I am THE church pianist at “my” church here in Portugal, so I got to play for the Easter play. Krisanna and Erin sang two songs in Portuguese and I accompanied them. :) Anyway... rehearsal... For the past few weeks during rehearsals Jesus has carried a broom for a cross and worn gold tinsel as his crown of thorns. This week, they had cardboard crosses and a “wreath” as a crown, which disappointed Erin and I IMMENSELY! But we finally got over it. ;) Jesus also wore Timberland workboots with his robe. :) And doubting Thomas was wearing a gangster hat. SO, a little different than in the states.
This morning, we had a “cantata” of sorts in that we had a visiting choir at church from the states. It was fun to be able to fellowship just like I got to on a traveling music team for Faith, except I was the listener! It brought back some fond memories! This morning's Easter play went really well and Jesus went barefoot. :/ But the message was one that always rings true!
During the service, Erin and Krisanna were supposed to sing a song. So we jaunt up to the front. I start playing the intro softly as Erin taps me on the shoulder and says “Our music is gone!” I give her a blank stare, then assure her that they can have my “music” (which is no more than MOST OF the lyrics with some chords penciled in from listening to the song a few times). It made for a fun special. :)
After church, Krisanna and I went to Erin and Laura's (along with Laura's sis Katie) and had Easter dinner which consisted of meatballs, mashed potatoes, green beans, gravy, and rolls. My love for mashed potatoes and green beans was rekindled today when I found myself eating only those two parts of our meal... and continuing to eat those two things 15 minutes after everyone else had finished...
Moral of this Easter story??? It doesn't matter what continent you're on. It doesn't matter what your Easter meal is. It doesn't matter what your churrch service looks like. It doesn't matter what shoes your “Jesus” wears. It doesn't matter if you clear your plate. An awful lot doesn't really matter... BUT one thing that DOES matter, and will always be true..
Our Lord is RISEN.
Whether you have trusted Him to save you or not.
Whether you believe He exists or not.
Whether you ignore Easter or not.
No matter what... Christ is Alive. And He is MY Savior. I sure hope He's yours too... because He's living whether you'll admit it or not.
1 Corinthians 15:3-4
Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,
Philippians 2:10-11